Contributing to meetings

For planning sessions and further scientific contributions to larger meetings, provide deadlines for session proposals, abstract submission reminders and so on

AGU Session PP014, Historical and Paleo Perspectives on Fire in the Earth System.

A session that brings together folk from across the historical and paleo fire community. It welcomes all contributions that explore the history, controls, and impacts of fire on Earth systems, across all temporal and spatial scale; but also all proxies, as well as studies developing new proxies for fire.

Invited speakers: Drs. Melissa Chipman (Syracuse) and Katherine C. Glover (Maine)

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Paleofire research and exchange with other fire scientist is also possible during the next EGU (vEGU21: Gather Online #vEGU21):
BG1.1 Fire in the Earth system: interactions with land, atmosphere and society
Convener: Sander Veraverbeke | Co-conveners: Niels Andela(ECS), Angelica Feurdean, Renata Libonati, Fang Li

13 Jan 2021, 13:00 CET Deadline for receipt of abstracts

Paleoenvironmental reconstructions @vEGU2021 session CL5.1.1
Dear colleagues,

We kindly invite you to present and discuss your research during our vEGU2021 session CL5.1.1 Novel and quantitative methods for reconstructing continental palaeoenvironments and palaeohydrology . Please see the session details here:

The deadline for abstract submission is the 13th January 2021, 13:00 CET!

How vEGU2021 will work:
check out

For those attending vEGU21: please see the BG 1.1 Fire in the Earth System session by Convener: Sander Veraverbeke | Co-conveners: Niels Andela, Angelica Feurdean, Renata Libonati, Fang Li
Mon, 26 Apr, 09:00–12:30 (CEST)

Dear Quaternary Enthusiasts,

We are very pleased to announce the date of the annual meeting of the German Quaternary Association (DEUQUA) that will take place from 2021-09-30 to 2021-10-01. Due to the ongoing pandemic situation, the meeting will be moved into the virtual space (#vDEUQUA2021). We especially encourage young scientists from all over the world to present their research and get in touch with German-based Quaternary research.
Further information will be posted soon at

Your vDEUQUA2021 organisers on behalf of the DEUQUA board

For those attending the AGU fall meeting - I am co-convening a paleofire session entitled: " Historical and Paleo Perspectives on Fire in the Earth System ” (PP012). The session description can be found here. The session will explore the history, controls, evolution, and impacts of fire on Earth, across all temporal and spatial scales. Abstracts due August 4th.

We are going to run a vPICO session during the EGU General Assembly in 2022 on
Applications and advances in proxies for palaeofire reconstructions

Convener: Benjamin Keenan | Co-conveners: Richard S. Vachula, Elisabeth Dietze

Abstract submission