Looking for recomendation on books

Hello everyone! I am looking for a recommendation on (paleo)fire books or publications, which would be suitable for students to learn basics about fire in general but also fire spread, behaviour, etc. There are a lot of papers and book chapters but they require basic knowledge about fire-related processes. Therefore, I am thinking about something really basic, which would explain important terms (perhaps something like a dictionary?). Any ideas?

Hi Alicja, that’s a very good question and thinking about it, I have no perfect reference to share, which may respond to your request. I would certainly recommend the PAGES Magazine issue 18-2 (2010) on paleofire research (18 (2): Fire in the Earth System: A Paleoperspective | PAGES).
I may also recommend a quite old reference but of interest : J. P. Smol, H. J. B. Birks & W. M. Last (eds.), 2001. Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments. Volume 3: Terrestrial, Algal, and Siliceous Indicators. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
In this volume there is a reference paper from Whitlock and Larsen about the paleofire basics.
I hope these may help!

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Hi Alicja - Charles Darwin University has online teaching materials on Fire Ecology and Management in Northern Australia; it’s focused on Australian savannas but the “Fundamentals” section introduces fire behaviour, fire types, and fuel dynamics: http://learnline.cdu.edu.au/units/env207/fundamentals/fundamentals.html

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Hi Boris! I have the chapter you mentioned and have already shared it, just wanted to provide them with more sources. Thank you for highlighting the PAGES Magazine issue! I forgot about it completely!

Hi Emma,
This is great, thank you!